Clinics and our booking lines will be closed on May 20th in observance of Victoria Day.

PRP (platelet rich plasma) injections are most commonly used for the treatment of diseased tendons, also known as tendonosis/tendonopathy. It may also be utilized for other musculoskeletal regions such as bone, muscle and ligaments.

A large volume of blood is taken (30-60ml) which is then spun in a centrifuge. Cells in blood are separated into red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Platelets are then withdrawn and the resulting product is injected into the treatment area. The goal is to stimulate a healing response via the growth factors released from the platelets.

Cervical Facet PRP Only

Anti-coagulants (Blood thinners) instructions applies to patients having cervical facet PRP only. You must have your doctor’s approval before you discontinue taking anticoagulants.


Discontinue 5 days prior to cervical facet PRP injections. Continue taking this medication for thoracic and lumbar facet PRP injections. If you have been taking Coumadin or Warfarin, you will need to have a “STAT” INR blood test done the day before your appointment. Please contact your physician for a lab requisition.


Discontinue 7 days prior to cervical facet PRP injections. If you are a high-risk patient, discontinue 5 days prior to cervical facet PRP injections. Continue taking this medication for thoracic and lumbar facet PRP injections.

Pradaxa, Xarelto, or Eliquis and other blood thinners

Discontinue 5 days prior to cervical facet injections. Continue taking this medication for thoracic and lumbar facet injections.

Post Procedure Treatment

First 72 hours: The treatment area is painful for the first several hours after the procedure. This is normal. Taking anti-inflammatory drugs or applying ice is not advised. You will be given instructions regarding the type of pain medication to take from the attending Radiologist or alternatively, speak with your Doctor prior to your procedure about pain management. Avoid ANY increased activity or exercises for the first 2 weeks post procedure. You may complete normal daily activities as tolerated. Stretching can be done as often as needed. Seek professional advice on proper stretching.

Although rare, infection at the treatment site is always possible. If fever, redness and/or swelling of the skin after 72 hours is noted, consult your doctor.

4-7 days post procedure: The pain should diminish. Limit activities to those of daily living while avoiding heavy lifting or rigorous activity. Ensure you have an appointment to begin appropriate physical therapy/rehabilitation.

2 weeks: Begin/resume rehabilitation program.

4+ weeks: It is expected that rehabilitation should take a minimum of 6 – 12 weeks. Individual patient response will be different and dependent on the specific procedure and body part treated. Complete recovery can take up to 2 years so it is important to comply with the recommended physical therapy protocol.

Need an Appointment?

Call our Booking Team!

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